Discover the business framework.

8 perspectives that defines long-term successful companies – Business Wellness organizations.

Engaging purpose.

An authentic and distinct “why” to guide the organization.

Long-term perspective.

A sustainable approach to create value to all stakeholders.

Focused direction.

Aligning the organization in a distinct direction.

Insights & innovation

Development through stakeholder dialogues, market research and internal insights.


Dynamic governance & momentum.

The ability to effectively manage continuous change.

Leadership for full potential.

Enable effective leadership through distributed decision mandate and a culture of personal accountability.

Holistic view.

The ability to harmonize all relevant elements of the business.


The ability of managing polarities.


Engaging purpose.

An authentic and distinct “why” to guide the organization.

A Business Wellness organization has an engaged purpose that expresses the unique contribution and value a company creates for all its stakeholders, while also serving as a common ground to create clarity, meaning and direction. Often expressed as the vision or mission of a company.

Why is this important?

  • 73% of the employees are fully engaged in purpose-driven companies, while only…

  • 23 % of the employees are engaged in companies that do not have a strong sense of purpose..

Key questions

  • How does your purpose guide you in operational activities?

  • To what extent does the purpose of your company excite your stakeholders?


Long-term perspective.

A sustainable approach to create value to all stakeholders.

A Business Wellness organization views its value creation through all stakeholders' perspectives and has developed a business model that maximizes economic, social, and environmental impact. The company is true to its beliefs regardless of business cycle. An example would be how the organization contribute to the United Nations long term Sustainable Development Goals..

Why is this important?

  • 88% of the customers will be more loyal to a company that supports social or environmental impact.

  • 66 % of the consumers would spend more on a product if it came from a sustainable brand.

Key questions

  • How sustainable is your business model from an economic, social and environmental perspective?

  • To what extent do you work systematically with meeting your stakeholders’ needs and addressing the gaps?


Focused direction.

Aligning the organization in a distinct direction.

A Business Wellness organization has defined a distinct target state and a clear path on how to get there. It actively manages progress and makes conscious decisions to reject activities that do not align with the chosen direction. To make execution effective, management ensures involvement and ownership throughout the organization.

Why is this important?

  • 77% of successful companies that outperform their industries in growth rate (2.6 times higher sales growth) and profitability (2.1 times higher profit growth), say that their innovation and business strategy are closely linked..

Key questions

  • How well does your strategy support the purpose of your business?

  • Do you say no to business opportunities that are not in aligned with your strategic direction?


Insights & innovation.

Development through stakeholder dialogues, market research and internal insights.

A Business Wellness organization fosters an innovation savvy culture that applies systematic stakeholder dialogues and market research to obtain insights and drive innovation. These insights are made available to the entire organization for continuous business development and innovation, covering short and long term horizons.

Why is this important?

  • Customer insights are highly valued in the company’s development and innovation processes.

  • Top 10 innovative companies rank customer insights as the most important ability to drive innovation at early stages.

Key questions

  • How do you involve your customers and business partners in innovation?

  • To what extent do you work systematically and collaboratively across departments to gain insights?


Dynamic governance & momentum.

The ability to effectively manage continuous change.

A Business Wellness organization maintains momentum and continuously develops itself to ensure short-term results in alignment with the chosen long-term direction. The governance of the company is characterized by the ability to act swiftly to deviations and an agile approach to business and operational development initiatives.

Why is this important?

Typical results for companies with agile management are:

  • 50% reduction in the time to get products on the market.

  • 30% happier and more motivated employees.

  • 35% increase in productivity and 50% reduction in defects.

Key questions

  • Do you consider the accelerating pace of change a threat or an opportunity to grow your business?

  • How well does your organization respond to external trends and uncertainties?


Leadership for full potential.

Enable effective leadership through distributed decision mandate and a culture of personal accountability.

A Business Wellness organization has an expansive view of leadership that is based on trust in its employees. It ensures that decisions are made as close to the specific situation and employee as possible. With clear mandates and with full responsibility for the consequences of the decision, the full potential of each employee is released, which in turn unlocks the full potential of the organization.

Why is this important?

  • Leadership behaviour contributes from 20% to 67% of the climate for creativity in organizations.

Key questions

  • To what extent are the people and teams in your organization empowered to make tactical and operational decisions?

  • Is your leadership viewed as authentic where thoughts, words and actions are consistent?


Holistic view.

The ability to harmonize all relevant elements of the business.

A Business Wellness organization harmonizes its purpose (WHY), its business model (WHAT) and operating model (HOW). Changes to purpose, business model or operating models are made with a cross-functional and holistic approach.

Why is this important?

  • To avoid friction, conflicting goals and unproductive development initiatives the organization needs to adapt a holistic approach.

  • Companies that succeed in adopting truly cross-functional operating models outperform their competitors in terms of innovation and time to market.

Key questions

  • In what way does your operating model enable cross functional collaboration?

  • How is your purpose, your business model, and your operational model connected?



The ability of managing polarities.

A Business Wellness organization is a company in balance and needs to hold polarities in balance over time. Polarities are opposing perspectives to constant challenges that are mutually interdependent. Examples of typical polarities for organizations are: Growth & Profitability, Stability & Change, Present & Future, Centralized & Decentralized.

Why is this important?

  • An organization needs to be aware of their critical polarities and decide on how they will balance these opposing perspectives. Which polarities to balance will differ by organization and context and vary over time.

Key questions

  • What are the critical polarities in your business?

  • How do you manage the critical polarities in your business?

Contact us to learn more about Business Wellness and how we can help.