Business Wellness evaluation.
Evaluate your organization’s current state with our Business Wellness index.
This is an excellent opportunity to assess your organization’s current state in relation to Business Wellness.
Since Business Wellness is a model on how to create long-term success, our assessment will indicate if your organization is on the right track and in which areas future improvements might be beneficial.
Our assessment is conducted through both qualitative and quantitative analyses and we will also give you the possibility to benchmark your state against peers in your industry.
Finally, the assessment is to be used as a tool for understanding the different perspectives of the management team on strategic issues.
Value added
Evaluation according to our Business Wellness index results in an understanding of the current state and relevant strengths and improvement areas.
Indication on level of common understanding in the management team.
Results benchmarked against other organizations in your industry.
Self-assessment within the management team.
A selection of deep-dive qualitative interviews to assess the current state (up to 8 interviewees and 2 hours per interview).
Analysis of value creation based on internal key performance indicators as well as external and public information.
Analysis by Centigo and results compiled into a report.
Target group
CEO or management team.
Inspirational session.
Between 1-1,5 h inspirational eye-opener session in a physical or digital format, that puts emphasis on why Business Wellness is a more relevant topic than ever. Suits management teams or a larger group of employees during e.g. strategy days or a company conference.
An inspirational workshop session for management teams who want to zoom out and see the bigger picture, looking at their organization from a holistic and long-term perspective. It’s a 3-4 h workshop session, option to divide into two different occasions.